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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stress: What doesn't kill you makes you...get surgery?

It’s been quite awhile since the last post. Something happened that took us all by surprise. I guess the stress finally took its toll and got the best of my husbands health. He was admitted to the hospital because of a worsening case of diverticulitis that resulted in major abdominal surgery. The surgery was a success and he is finally home to finish healing.

Three weeks ago I felt like the hits just kept on coming. It was like I was in a boxing match and for every punch I threw, I got a “one-two” combo right back at me. My husband spent 13 days in the hospital. Half of which was post-op recovery. Every afternoon after my son was dismissed from school, we drove over to Tripler hospital. We visited nearly everyday. The kids asked everyday when daddy was coming home, and all I could say was, “I hope soon.” 

I was at the hospital the day of the surgery. A good friend of mine watched my children the whole day. The IPAP students we are friends with were there. They kept me updated, brought me lunch (even though I couldn’t stomach much), and gave me support while I waited. I am so grateful for their kindness, prayers, and assistance. The surgical team was wonderful and I couldn’t have asked for a better set of hands in the OR. (My husband’s last rotation before being put on “clinical hold” was surgery. The surgeon assigned to his case was one he admired and learned from during his rotation. It was a comfort to me knowing he trusted his doctor fully.) The nursing staff that took care of my husband was also incredible. I’m thankful to all of them for the jobs they do everyday. 

I had family and friends from the mainland asking if I needed anything and they would do their best to help in any way they could. Our friends here also offered their help and support. It wasn’t until after my husband was home that I realized I had heard not one word from his command, (I’m guessing it would be his Company Commander or First Sgt.). I never received a phone call asking if my family needed anything, or if we were doing ok, nothing. I suppose I’m not surprised. For all I know they were forbidden to speak with my husband or me because of the Congressional Investigation. Even if that was the case it doesn’t stop me from believing how awful they truly are. It only proves to me they are concerned about themselves. They couldn't care less about the soldiers they “lead”; to include their soldiers’ families. Investigation or not, if they cared at all about doing the right thing, they would have found someone to check in on the welfare of myself and my family while he was hospitalized for 13 days! 

My mother-in-law has been a rock for us during this ordeal. I asked if she would write her thoughts/feelings so that I may post it on this blog. Here is what she had to say:

     "As I think about the events of the past months and how much they have impacted my son and his family, the phrase that sums it up is “morally reprehensible”. The AMEDDC&S command and the chain of command, from the Brigadier General on down has in essence thrown away my son. He came to Tripler with the desire to become a Physician's Assistant and within 9 weeks of graduation from the program, it was taken from him. I believe than in an effort to break his spirit they used a tactic I would consider psychological warfare. From the 2nd of July through the 19th of September, he was isolated in the hospital library, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Unable to continue his clinical rotation, not in contact with the other students (many afraid for their own futures distanced themselves from him), little or no information from the school as to whether or not he would be allowed to continue. No one inquired as to his well being, state of mind, or his health; specifically his diverticulitis which began to flare up under this extreme intense stress. The school, which has medical personnel, is well aware of the toll  stress can take on a body, never checked to see if he was okay. Well, in fact he was not okay! On Sept. 21st he was admitted to the hospital for the diverticulitis that was so serious that on Friday Sept. 26th he required major abdominal surgery. I hold, in part,  this command, the school, and in particular his former commanding officer who started this petty and vindictive action, responsible for this medical exacerbation of his diverticulitis. My daughter-in-law had told me that no one from the school or command ever made an attempt to see how she was doing, if she needed anything while my son was hospitalized, nor did they ever contact my son. Again, this is an indication of the lack of concern for someone in their command. 
As a result, there is an official inquiry into the actions of this command and the school. I wanted revenge initially, I wanted a severe and humiliating punishment to be visited upon these people for what they have done.  I was absolutely sure that I would never be able to forgive them. But I do not want to become that type of person. I want justice for my son and I want this inquiry to shine a light on a poisonous and uncaring command so that others will not have to experience the ordeal my son has. 
This situation has exposed the shameful and disgraceful behavior of those who are supposed to be the leaders. The young men and women under this type of command will not be encouraged to excel or be given positive examples to emulate. My son told me that a real leader is someone who is more concerned with those under his command rather than those above. The responsibility of a true leader is to provide encouragement, support, listen, demonstrate how to correct a mistake, help to foster loyalty, and be the example of the high standards he expects from them. 
This ignoble action has disgraced the Army and shamed those responsible. Our military has now suffered the proverbial “black eye”. When a soldier is asked to give his heart and his life for his country, he should expect to be supported by those commanding him. There is a strong sense that the Army has betrayed my son and I have to wonder how many others have also been betrayed. When I watch the commercials for the Army, I no longer feel a sense of pride, but rather dismay and sadness that there will soldiers that fight for truth but it will not be accorded to them; fight for fairness, but it will be denied to them.
I will continue to contact the media in an effort to make this public. Sometimes, it takes national exposure and embarrassment to effect a change.
I am proud of my son and  his family, particularly his wife, my “4th” daughter for the way they have conducted themselves throughout this ordeal. This speaks highly of their character,.The families of this command are not able to say the same and I doubt that the mothers of this Captain (who instigated this), this Brigadier General (who obviously signed off on a career tarnishing document without examining the so called evidence  and who violated the Open Door Policy),  and the other commanders at the school would be able to say that they are proud of their conduct."

I couldn’t agree more. 

Thankfully, we received word on a report date back to the mainland. Thank God!  We will be leaving this place soon and be with like minded people once again. It will be a breath of fresh air and we can finally let go of the demons that have haunted us here at Tripler Army Medical Center and AMEDDC&S.  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Our Journey Continues

This has been an emotionally hard journey for us. When I started this blog, it was to vent and hopefully get the word out about toxic leadership at Tripler. I had no idea it would have turned into such a daunting battle. I am so fortunate to have supportive family and friends.  Especially my mother-in-law who is just as enraged as I am about this situation. (A Mother's Letter to the General)

My husband, who has served in the Marines and then the Army, will have 17 years of active duty service come October 2014. He has dedicated his life to serving his country. He had a plan to progress from Special Forces Army Medic to a Physician Assistant (PA). This was the most logical step, being that he loved medicine, and he loved caring for his soldiers. He had hoped to go back to SF someday as a PA, before planning on retiring. He also thought being a PA as a civilian, once retired from the military, would be a great way to support our family. 

*He loved, he hoped, he planned. 

This journey has brought pain, confusion, doubt, tears, rage, disappointment and awareness to my husband and myself. My husband and I learned that not all sections of the military are created equal. Where you find reasonable people in one place, you may not in another. Had we known the personality conflicts would be this great we never would have decided to go the “PA route”. We would have understood that AMEDD is a place not suited for some personalities. A person who is a leader, strong willed, not afraid to stand up for what is right, not afraid to face the enemy, (someone with a dominating personality perhaps?), will most likely not survive this area of the Army.

Life is about learning from mistakes. Life is also about standing up for what is right. 

My husband made a mistake. His punishment DOES NOT fit the “crime”. A permanent GOMOR is way beyond the level of punishment my husband deserved. Yet, a General saw fit to issue one. A General who refused to meet with my husband before he made his final decision. A General who sided with a Captain holding a grudge against my husband. What this General did was wrong and the way he went about it was deplorable!

I was informed by an ExO of the AMEDD command in Ft. Sam that the IPAP directors were planning to relieve him of PA school if the GOMOR was filed permanently. (It is of their own decision and there is NO regulation stating they HAD to relieve him.) For me to get that information, I had to call this man’s office freaking out and crying like a crazy Army wife! Yes, I did. I broke. I NEEDED answers. I got them finally. 

On Sept. 11, 2014 my husband was officially told he was relieved from IPAP. He was given 3 days to appeal. We decided together not to appeal and email the school stating this. Why not appeal? Well, two reasons:
  1. We know from experience their minds were made up on the decision to relieve him because of the permanent GOMOR. Appealing would only keep us under AMEDD and Tripler Command that much longer.
  2. *The love, the hope, the plans have been burnt into a pile of ash now blowing in the wind. There is NO passion for medicine left within my husband. He has realized this was not the path he was meant for. 

What happens next?

We are waiting for the school to finalize his relief from the program. After which he will get orders back to SF. This is the happy part of a 2 year journey laced with toxic leadership and failed dreams. At least we can go back to a place we love, a work environment he loves and a support system that goes beyond our blood relatives. We will be with family again. He will be with brothers again. We will be home.

The fight is not over, however. There is the matter of that pesky little letter called a GOMOR. I, along with friends and family, will be on the campaign to have it rescinded. This GOMOR was, has and will always be a prime example of the toxic leadership at Tripler Army Medical Center, under that General. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Let the Storm Begin!!!

There is a line in every mothers life that may or may not be crossed. That very line has been crossed and shat on by Tripler Army Medical Command, specifically the General of Pacific Regional Medical Command.

 A letter to the General along with nearly 300 other members of the government and media had been mailed out via U.S. Postal Mail Service Monday night, September 1, 2014. This letter is from my husbands mother. I support her whole heartedly and wish I could have helped more in the effort.

Thank you "mamma bear" for protecting your cub! The letters from NY have been rumored to make landfall in Hawaii!

You, my reader, can click here to view the letter sent out.

A Mother's Letter to the General

Monday, September 1, 2014

Send in the Clowns!

I am sitting here shaking my head. I still cannot understand how these people are allowed to be in the positions they are in. I can’t believe that a General has decided not only to file the GOMOR, but file it permanently! 

The General would NOT EVEN MEET WITH MY HUSBAND TO HEAR HIS SIDE! The General refused his request to a meeting! That's wrong, and goes against AR 600-20 2-2 (Open Door Policy)!!

"To the General: 
     You sir, are a COWARD. You don’t even have the nerve to look my husband in the eye and tell him what he did was worthy of a GOMOR, because you know it is a bunch of bull! 
                                         -Jamie B."

How can a General hand down a career altering decision without knowing all sides of the story? Why was the company commander supported in this decision? Why was the first GOMOR rescinded for a new one? Why is so much effort being put into punishing my husband over a piddly matter? Where was the support for my husband? 

This is absolutely despicable of the General and his command at Tripler Army Medical Center. 

After the first GOMOR was rescinded, and we saw the second, we knew what was trying to be achieved. The first GOMOR was to be filed locally, but I guess that wasn’t good enough. The General rescinded it to give a new one. (See GOMOR 2.0) At that moment, we knew they were going for a permanent filing of a GOMOR. (So, add more nonsense to a rescinded GOMOR to make a new GOMOR that can be put in a permanent file? WTF?)

The fact of the matter is my husband made a mistake and these clowns turned it into a side show circus act! One company commander with a grudge can throw you under the bus, all because she doesn’t like your opinion? I’m sorry, I thought this was America! I was under the impression we all had the right to our own opinion? It was the company commanders OPINION that my husband was disrespectful in an email. Well, it is my OPINION (and everyone else who read the email and knows the story) that he was NOT disrespectful. It’s a matter of opinion, and the only one the General saw fit to even consider was the company commanders’. Toxic, toxic, toxic!

To expedite the process of "exiting" the PA program, my husband requested to resign from the program just after official word was given on the GOMOR. The school said, "No!" The school won't let him resign and won't kick him out...what is going on??!!!  

Just give us the decision!! Allow my family closure so we can move on with our lives. 

The collusion in this chain of command is mind boggling. Is this the way of AMEDD? I for one am so happy this is all coming to an end. I would be very embarrassed to be a part of this division in the Army. It reeks of posers. It is nauseating.

Over the passed two years I have learned that AMEDDC&Salong with Tripler Army Medical Center Troop Command, is infested with cowardice, fake, weak, two-faced people riding too high on their horses. No humbleness to speak of. A bunch of peacocks running around trying to exert any power they can conjure up, displaying a false image of authority. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

26 Days: Part I

It’s been 26 days since I started this blog. (It feels like a whole lot more!) Time creeps here in Hawaii for us because we are in a standstill. It’s harder some days than others. The frustration comes from not knowing what is happening next. There has been no word on the filing of the GOMOR . No word whether or not my husband will be able to continue the military’s Physician Assistant program. 

Without knowing what is going to happen next, I feel as if I am in limbo. It’s a struggle when you aren’t told what is going to happen to your family or when. If all of “this” wasn’t happening, I would be preparing my family to move to our next duty station come October. Now I don’t know when we are to move, or where. I tell myself, “It will happen when it happens”.

Answers. It’s all I want. I don’t care what the answer is, I just want one! I wait and wait and wait. Patience is running out and I have to find ways to fill it up again. 

I started this blog to be heard and to vent my frustrations. It feels great to get my thoughts out of my head and see the words on the screen. It feels scary to hit the “publish” button every time I post. I always ask myself, “I am doing the right thing? Am I going too far?” 

I stop and think. 

I think about all we have gone through. One time always comes to mind. Two months ago, my husband and I were talking. It was a long conversation about our morals and who were are as a family. We reflected a lot on who we are, who we want to be, who we want our children to be proud of. We realized we allowed too much evil and hate into our lives. That is not who we are or wanted to be. Never had we experienced a situation like this. A situation that made us doubt ourselves as parents, people, and patriots. I am embarrassed to say, that 2 months ago I had gotten to the point where I wanted to give up and run and hide. We let this command and the situation make us believe we should be afraid and not stand up for what is right. That moment was when I decided I would NEVER allow my family or myself to be put in that position again.

I stop again. I breathe. I think. 

Then I remember other people out there in the same boat. I think of the soldiers who were bullied out of their positions and told not to put up a fight. Other soldiers sitting in Army “detention” awaiting their fate because of menial mistakes. Waiting to hear if they will have a military career. They sit. They wait. They worry. They cry. 

I ask myself again, “I am doing the right thing?” 

I say, “YES!” 

I click “publish post”. I click it. I share it. I text message it. I e-mail it. I find other bloggers. I talk to everyone I know. I use my voice! I exercise my First Amendment Right. That is what I do to get through this craziness. 

“What is it like for your husband?”  So glad you asked!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

26 Days: Part II

What has my husband done to fight for his career? 

He did the only thing he can. He went through his chain of command. (That wasn’t looking favorable being he felt part of the problem was in his chain of command.) What he did next write to congress asking for a “Congressional Inquiry”. Not only has he contacted his congress representatives from NC, family members did the same in other states. He wrote to Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, Congresswoman Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

Letters and phone calls went to the New York congress by family members. Phone calls were made to North Carolina by family members to voice their concerns for our situation as well. 

What does letter writing and some phone calls accomplish? This:

It’s called support from Congress! 

He has received notice from the offices:

From the office of United States Senator Richard Burr, NC stating “I have contacted the appropriate officials at the Department of the Army to express my interest in your case.”
From the office of US Congresswoman Renee Ellmers, NC, stating “We received a response today from the Pentagon stating the inquiry has been initiated.”
From the office of US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, HI, stating “We have sent an official inquiry to the Pacific Regional Medical Command on your behalf, requesting they review and reconsider their stance.”

It’s a bit of happiness knowing they listened to his side of the story and understood something might be sour here in Hawaii. It is hope. 

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when my husband wrote to congress asking for them to look into the matters here at Tripler Army Medical Center. I was elated to open the mailbox and see the letter from the Senators’ office. I felt like dancing! It was the most I had felt excited about our government since I registered to vote when I was 18. The government says they are there for the people, and now I believe them. 

I am so grateful for the support from family, friends and you, my readers. I am elated that our congress has decided to take action on our behalf. 

This is not over by any means. It is the beginning of a long journey, a journey to set an example for all soldiers and their families to stand up to toxic leadership! 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Suffering 2 Serve: Frequently Asked Questions

Suffering 2 Serve: Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Will your husband be able to finish PA school as a civilian if the military relieves him from the IPAP? A: That is uncertain at ...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I want to talk about the fortunate position we are in during this situation. We are in the position to be able to fight this ridiculous scenario because of my husbands successful career. He is an E-8 (Master Sergeant) in the Army. For those of you in the military you CLEARLY understand how important that is. For those of you who are not, he outranks 97.4%  of the enlisted Army. (An even better perspective: the next and LAST step of the ranking system for Enlisted Soldiers is E-9.) 

We are fortunate because, as it stands,  my husband can continue on and be an E-8 elsewhere. Will our family financially suffer from him not being a PA for the Army? Slightly. Will it put us in the poor house? Absolutely not. We are in a position to fight, fight for what is right and just. Fight for those who cannot and wish they could.

We are not the only family that IPAP has tried to bowl over. 

We are not the only family that has suffered under Tripler command. 

We don’t have as much to lose as some other folks out there who have dedicated their lives and careers to military medicine. Thank god this AMEDDC&S is only one small part of our military career. It is not without stress and turmoil that we go through IPAP and fight the awful leadership at Tripler.

"Anonymous" , if you knew anything about my husband and his career, you would know that the very LARGE section of the GOMOR 2.0 is the investigation from Ft. Sam. An investigation about Fraternization between ALL the IPAP students at a BIRTHDAY PARTY. What were the findings of the investigator the 1st and 2nd time around?? NOTHING. It wasn’t until they succeeded in stretching shades of gray to reach the conclusion they did. That is why the investigation is hundreds of pages long. It resulted in a counseling statement that served as an "appropriate disciplinary action" from the Battalion Commander to those soldiers involved. 

GOMOR 2.0 symbolizes the “Hail Mary” the command is striving for to relieve my husband from PA school and possibly the Army. How does it make sense to punish someone TWICE for the same 'crime'? At this point it is comical because I can’t wait to see what they pull out of their “magical hat-o-tricks” next!! 

I am fortunate to have the freedom to voice my concerns about my husbands career through this blog. That is a large part of what our good military does. Protects our rights to freedom, all of our freedoms. My husband is a leader, a wonderful father and husband. He stands up for what is right and does not compromise his integrity for any reason. He is a man, he is human. He has faults like the rest of us. He has stumbled like everyone of us, but he has stayed true to his morals and Christian beliefs. He should not be condemned for a mistake he made (coupled with a grudge by someone in a leadership position). It is sad that “they” have gone that route and have shown how petty “they” can be. I just hope “they” can change and grow and strive to be better leaders.

I can’t express my gratitude enough to those of you who have read and shared my blog. (If anything, this has been an outlet for my frustrations.) I would like you to keep in mind that my husband, my children and I live through this stress everyday. We do not get a break from it. I understand everyone has problems, and I wouldn’t wish ours on any of you. I am so happy that most of you out there are not feeling what we are. Not going through what we are. But for the few, (although too many in my eyes) who are ‘suffering to serve’, please know there are good people out there who will listen and believe your story. People are kind and will take action against evil. Know they are out there, and they truly exist!

Friday, July 25, 2014


“GOMOR” is a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand. To anyone in the military, you know this is a very “bad word”. This is something no soldier wants on their record.

There are 2 ways to file a GOMOR, on a permanent record or locally. If you are in receipt of a GOMOR you pray it gets filed locally. Permanently filed follows you for ever. 

I didn’t know what one was until recently. I am so intimate with it now that it is no longer a dirty little 5 letter acronym. It’s almost lost its meaning from having been said so much, gomor, gomor, gomor, gomor. 

There doesn’t seem to be rhyme or reason to the issuing of a GOMOR. From my experience as a military wife, all you need is a vindictive command and you may very well receive one! (That’s just my opinion.)  One lawyers opinion, (you can read article here), states the “AR 600-37 , “Unfavorable Information”, requires only an “objective decision by competent authority.” ”  I have read AR 600-37 myself and its just way beyond me. I can’t make heads or tails of it. 

In my last post, “I will NOT go away”, I talk about a “document with an error”. This document was the reason my husband was issued a GOMOR. This GOMOR was filed locally. End of saga, right? Wrong! Turns out a General can rescind a GOMOR. Sounds like a good thing, right? Wrong! They pulled this GOMOR only to give him a NEW ONE!!!!! What!???? Let me try to explain. 

In the first one he was being reprimanded for the document with an error. Why this wasn’t good enough, I don’t know. So, they got rid of that one and drew up a new one.

The NEW GOMOR (in which I like to call GOMOR 2.0) has more reprimands than the first. It contains 5 points. I am going to paraphrase and give the gist of what each one is.

The reprimand is for the following:
  1. an investigation that took place in 2013 (back at Ft. Sam Houston, TX) that resulted in no findings and is a closed matter
  2. an email to the company commander about the wearing of his green beret 
  3. a counseling statement in May 2014
  4. comments on an in-processing worksheet about his strengths and weaknesses 
  5. the document with the error on it

So to recap we have a reprimand for something old, something new, something borrowed and something out of the blue. What???? 

I can’t wrap my mind around what is happening. I feel like just when it can’t get any worse, it does. Not only does it get worse, it gets more ridiculous! 

They have confiscated my husbands work computer and pager because of my blog. Yes, this blog you are reading right now. Civilian little ‘ole me has caused a stir amongst the command and IPAP. Why is that? Is it because they know what they are doing is wrong? They are afraid of the truth getting out, because the truth hurts. 

I hope they learn a lesson from all this and truly understand the power their soldiers families have. I have the 1st amendment on my side and I will tell my side of the story. I will not sit idly by while they trash my husbands career. My husband has proudly served his country for almost 17 years and is being blindsided by his own command and advisors!! This is not the example of American leadership I am used to or will stand for! They are bullies and control with fear. Soldiers can’t say anything but civilians can. We as Americans, as responsible people of the world, need to stand up and be a voice for these soldiers that are unfairly backed into a corner through toxic leadership.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I will NOT go away!!!

I believe people should stand up for what is right. I am in the right to defend myself and my family when someone tries to hurt us. I will not go away. I am determined to expose the truth about the lies, complacency, incompetence and ignorance that festers through the so called “leadership” at Tripler. 

There is one person who I want to address more than anyone since she is now aware of this blog. 

“To the woman who knows who she is, 
Aren’t you aware that you are supposed PROTECT your soldiers!?! You are not just dealing with a person in a uniform, you are dealing with his entire family. You destroyed the peace in my household by spreading your ignorance and holding a grudge. Maybe I am being a little harsh. Maybe this is the kind of “Army” you are used to, one that steps on the hearts and minds of those beneath her just to be a little closer to the top. That is NOT how the world works lady! You are supposed to take care of your own and not throw them under the bus. I feel sorry for anyone in your command. I’m sorry they have not the courage nor the gall to stand up to you and challenge your wrongful ways, visions and ideas. 
I have never met you and frankly, I don’t care to. I can only hope and pray to our Lord that you will take the time to see the destruction you have caused. I am certain my family is not the only one left floating in your wake of incompetence. I can only hope that you learn from your mistakes, fix them and make amends. You are responsible for American soldiers and all that encompasses their success. You need to start acting like a leader, and not someones well-groomed puppet. 

Jamie B.”

I’m so frustrated at the fact that the Army is allowing non-sense like this to occur over a document with an error which was submitted by my husband. A document that never should have been given to him in the first place by a civilian who was his healthcare provider and preceptor!!! A lousy piece of paper stating he was injured and could not perform a Physical Fitness Test. A test he has never missed, failed, or just done the BARE minimum. The error was fixed in 15 minutes, yet this “leader” pushed through for my husband to be formally reprimanded by the General. Her excuse? “Something had to be done.”  All command involved should be ASHAMED of themselves. I am embarrassed to be a part of this kind of Army. My husband is more than embarrassed, he is heartbroken! All he intended to do was to serve his country and take care of soldiers. They have scarred not only him, but the rest of us that know about these heinous acts. I will doubt them always. This command has proven to be the worst group of people I have ever met in my life!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The List

I’m not shocked anymore when my husband tells me about the lies, deception, distrust and complacency he deals with at work. It’s a shame. I am used to hearing about the efforts put forth to help the soldiers, not harm them. I guess when you come from an awesome place like 5th Special Forces Group (where your heart is filled with pride on a daily basis because these men take care of their own) you become accustomed to integrity. “What do you need, and how can I help?”, might as well be the motto of the SOF community. They are always there for you when you need them. I miss that very much.

I was talking with my husband, recapping the events that have taken place. There are so many it is hard to keep it straight. This person (who I am still not naming yet), behaves like a compulsive liar. I would say almost every word he has spoken to my husband has been a lie or a [piss poor] excuse. 

The best way I can deliver this persons short comings is by listing them. If I were to explain it as a story it would be a crazy long book that would spin your head. Let’s get to listing, shall we?!

Keep in mind the job of the PA advisors are to educate, guide and advocate for the students. This individual has done the following:

  • He was unable to be found at the hospital on 3 separate occasions when we first arrived to Hawaii. (My husband, who was on leave at the time, was being proactive looking for him.) This advisor finally made contact with my husband ONLY because the company contacted him to do so. During this initial contact my husband tried to ask him questions that needed to be answered, his reply was, “I don’t have time.” 
  • He had failed to set up the clinical rotation schedule for the 3 new arriving IPAP students. (Other students at other sites knew there schedule before we left Ft. Sam.)
  • He scheduled a time for these students to be familiarized with 2 software systems but not fully trained.  There are 4 other systems they are required to use and have NEVER been trained on. One program called DMHRSi (they pronounce it ‘dimmers eye’), is a constant issue for the students. This PA advisor has threatened to take punitive action on the students if there were anymore mistakes made on that program. (There is an email stating this by him.) He never took the time to teach the students and has in fact, admitted that he has someone else DO IT FOR HIM!!!
  • He creates drama through hearsay.
  • He tasks out his duties to the students. Before Christmas he assigned my husband to 1) find out what documents the company needed to be included in each students leave forms, 2) inform the rest of the students, 3) have all the students email my husband so he could then review and correct any errors, and finally 4) consolidate everything into one neat package to email to the advisor. He said he didn't have the time to do all of that and he hates getting lots of emails. He shirks other responsibilities to students that include tasks such as issuing training certificates, gathering student photos, assignment preference requests…etc. etc. etc.
  • He had a student draft a a memorandum to justify the necessity of a study room for PA students. 
  • He tasks the students to plan, coordinate, and PAY for graduation. (The students essentially buy lunch for officers as high as Brigadier General.)

There are more examples that I know I am forgetting right now. Just writing this makes me sick to my stomach. No soldier deserves a leader like this. I can barely write the word leader when talking about this person. He is not a leader. He is a selfish, vain, disgusting excuse for a person in charge of IPAP students here at Tripler Army Medical Center.

Contact Phase II IPAP

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Suffering 2-gether

I asked my husband last night, "Can we please have one day where we don't talk or think about this stress?" He was more than happy to say yes.

It has been such a wonderful day. I was able to enjoy life with my kids and husband. No talking about the "stress". No debating on "what we should do". No over analyzing this "mess".

It has been WAY too long since I have felt peace of any kind. I honestly had asked him out of selfishness for a break from it all. Little did I know, it was for the benefit of all four of us. My kids were thrilled to play with their daddy like they used to. You could see the sheer joy on their faces and hear it in their laughs. I was motivated to exercise. I saw my husband smiled more today than I have seen in months. It was uplifting and amazing!

A friend of mine has been telling me to let go and let God, (you know who you are). I did that today. I feel like crying right now because of the days I took for granted. The days before we allowed this corrupt command to affect us, as it so heinously has done.

 If this is happening to us, it sure as hell is happening elsewhere. Therefore, I am choosing to make this conscious effort: I will not allow them, our so called "leaders" at Tripler Army Medical Center, to hurt my family any more!

I am taking a stance against those petty awful cowards who tout themselves as military leaders. I will NO LONGER accept their ignorance of what it means to truly serve America and face the enemy. I will NO LONGER allow their negativity to spread any further than it has.

This stops now!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Toxic Leadership

I would like to make the public aware that my husband is being forced out of the Interservice Physicians Assistant Program (IPAP), a military course accredited by University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Yes, I said forced out. He has academically achieved ALL of the standards set forth, as well as excelled as a clinician during his training at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) here in Hawaii. 

Does this make sense to ANYONE? My husband has been erroneously recommended for relief from the program based on fabricated claims from the TAMC chain of command. 

Based on recent events, both TAMC and IPAP have demonstrated they are infested with toxic leadership and incompetent officers. There has been no reason set forth by the program (based at Ft. Sam Houston, TX) to justify his dismissal. This seems to be a pattern of wasting tax dollars of the American people for no apparent reason.

My husband's dismissal will bring the tally up to $1 million that has been wasted by our military at TAMC in the IPAP. I believe that all people everywhere have the right to know that TAMC is (yet again) involved in the wasting of our tax payer dollars. This is not only a problem affecting Hawaii, it is a problem for the entire United States.

The military spends altogether about $300,000 per student to go through IPAP. There have been 2 IPAP students relieved from “Phase II” (the clinical portion of this medical program) at TAMC in the past 8 months, both of which were months away from graduating the intense 29 month program. My husband is next on the “chopping block”.  My husband, a Green Beret and decorated Iraq war veteran with nearly 17 years of impeccable military service, is one of the students being neglected and prejudiced against.

Students of IPAP, who train at TAMC for "Phase II", are assigned to incompetent leaders who fail to provide proper guidance and support to them. Not only are soldiers unsupported, they are subjected to ‘fear-based’ leadership, an environment where a voice is condemned and complacency is reality. This problem includes the hospital chain of command and the IPAP advisors (who are intended to mentor students about military PA service).

A civilian DOD employee at TAMC, who shall remain nameless for now, is one of the IPAP advisors. This individual hasn't any Active Duty experience, did not go through IPAP, and is the only civilian advisor within the clinical sites for IPAP. (TAMC is also rumored to have the highest fail rate for a phase II clinical site. Coincidence?) How can this "advisor" effectively lead our soldiers and mentor them when he himself has never done the job they are training for? This is a disservice not only to these soldiers wanting to serve as clinicians for other Active duty soldiers, but for all Americans as well. 

My husbands impeccable career and our family’s livelihood are in jeopardy because of certain prejudices brought against him by the TAMC chain of command. He has been severely reprimanded and has caused the course directors (at Ft. Sam Houston, TX) to recommend he be relieved from the program. He has not only academically achieved the program requirements he has been praised by the hospital’s staff for his ability to connect with patients as a clinician, provide high level of care and learn quickly. 

Why is TAMC and IPAP allowing such a valuable asset to be lost and money to be wasted? It is simply irresponsible and America deserves better.