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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I want to talk about the fortunate position we are in during this situation. We are in the position to be able to fight this ridiculous scenario because of my husbands successful career. He is an E-8 (Master Sergeant) in the Army. For those of you in the military you CLEARLY understand how important that is. For those of you who are not, he outranks 97.4%  of the enlisted Army. (An even better perspective: the next and LAST step of the ranking system for Enlisted Soldiers is E-9.) 

We are fortunate because, as it stands,  my husband can continue on and be an E-8 elsewhere. Will our family financially suffer from him not being a PA for the Army? Slightly. Will it put us in the poor house? Absolutely not. We are in a position to fight, fight for what is right and just. Fight for those who cannot and wish they could.

We are not the only family that IPAP has tried to bowl over. 

We are not the only family that has suffered under Tripler command. 

We don’t have as much to lose as some other folks out there who have dedicated their lives and careers to military medicine. Thank god this AMEDDC&S is only one small part of our military career. It is not without stress and turmoil that we go through IPAP and fight the awful leadership at Tripler.

"Anonymous" , if you knew anything about my husband and his career, you would know that the very LARGE section of the GOMOR 2.0 is the investigation from Ft. Sam. An investigation about Fraternization between ALL the IPAP students at a BIRTHDAY PARTY. What were the findings of the investigator the 1st and 2nd time around?? NOTHING. It wasn’t until they succeeded in stretching shades of gray to reach the conclusion they did. That is why the investigation is hundreds of pages long. It resulted in a counseling statement that served as an "appropriate disciplinary action" from the Battalion Commander to those soldiers involved. 

GOMOR 2.0 symbolizes the “Hail Mary” the command is striving for to relieve my husband from PA school and possibly the Army. How does it make sense to punish someone TWICE for the same 'crime'? At this point it is comical because I can’t wait to see what they pull out of their “magical hat-o-tricks” next!! 

I am fortunate to have the freedom to voice my concerns about my husbands career through this blog. That is a large part of what our good military does. Protects our rights to freedom, all of our freedoms. My husband is a leader, a wonderful father and husband. He stands up for what is right and does not compromise his integrity for any reason. He is a man, he is human. He has faults like the rest of us. He has stumbled like everyone of us, but he has stayed true to his morals and Christian beliefs. He should not be condemned for a mistake he made (coupled with a grudge by someone in a leadership position). It is sad that “they” have gone that route and have shown how petty “they” can be. I just hope “they” can change and grow and strive to be better leaders.

I can’t express my gratitude enough to those of you who have read and shared my blog. (If anything, this has been an outlet for my frustrations.) I would like you to keep in mind that my husband, my children and I live through this stress everyday. We do not get a break from it. I understand everyone has problems, and I wouldn’t wish ours on any of you. I am so happy that most of you out there are not feeling what we are. Not going through what we are. But for the few, (although too many in my eyes) who are ‘suffering to serve’, please know there are good people out there who will listen and believe your story. People are kind and will take action against evil. Know they are out there, and they truly exist!

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